"Sed fortuna, quae plurimum potest cum in reliquis rebus tum praecipue in bello, parvis momentis magnas rerum commutationes efficit; ut tum accidit."

C. Iulius Caesar - Commentarii de Bello Civili Bk III.68

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The torch of traditionalism

It was formally announced by Quintus Fabius Maximus today that the Boni is defunct. This is not a good thing as Nova Roma has lost the one organized faction that was committed to upholding the mos maiorum and defending the rights and authority of the Collegium Pontificum. It is true that the Libra Alliance has laid claim to traditionalism, but that is likely to prove to have been an electoral ploy to ensure they could compete on the same turf as the Boni.

The responsibility for defending the mos and the Collegium now falls upon the shoulders of all conservative minded citizens. It will not be an easy task, nor at times a pleasant one. The Boni collectively and as individuals faced vilification and threats that amounted to a form of persecution from certain magistrates and this may carry over to any individual that picks up the torch of traditionalism. It is however a worthwhile and necessary watch that must be maintained.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Optimate smugness

At first sight the paucity of the Libra Alliance's policies make it seem indeed trite. The very absence of substance in favor of a faint whiff of European Union froth is suspicious.

Of course there had to be something more, so a return to their website and a re-examination of the sketchy comments was in order. Lo and behold, there it was buried in Point 5 of their "Platform", the key to how they think and what lies in front of us:

"At this period in Nova Roma's history, we have to protect the rights of the populus".

Of course they have to protect us. Nova Roma is just teeming with demagogues and tyrants. On a regular basis people are persecuted and thrown into exile for offering the slightest resistance to the ruling clique. Aren't they?

Strange, I never felt persecuted or oppressed. So if it isn't happening now, well the Libra's must have (in keeping with their astrological name) equipped themselves with a crystal ball and seen that this state of doom was about to fall on Nova Roma in the near future. From who does this threat emanate?

Well of course it has to be the Boni! They are responsible for just about every plot against the people of Nova Roma. Such a wicked governing party! Oh, yes that is right, they are not the governing party! So it can't be the Boni can it?

The Libra Alliance has thrown their magic political fairy dust into the air and into the faces of the voters of Nova Roma and conjured up some mythical tyrant. I am sure that when pressed they will say it is a purely preventative commitment, unless they intend to target the Collegium Pontificum, since that is the only body that has consistently opposed the attempts of the Libra to mangle the mos maiorum in respect of the Religio,

They quote Polybius and thoughtfully provide a link, so here are a few extracts from his work they rely on and base they ideology on:

"The people again, on their part, are held in dependence on the senate, both to the particular members, and to the general body"

"The people, therefore, being by these means held under due subjection and restraint, and doubtful of obtaining that protection, which they foresee that they may at some time want, are always cautious of exciting any opposition to the measures of the senate"

So Nova Roma is breeding its own clique of optimates. What the Libra's choose to ignore is that in this fascinating balance that Polybius describes the usual checks that the populace had over the Senate and the magistrates simply don't exist in Nova Roma. No secession of the people would make on whit of difference to our gang of optimates. A refusal to pay taxes would just disenfranchise the opponents of the Libras. Few of us are in a position to camp out on their front lawns with placards condemning abuses of power.

It is interesting to note the only exercise of authoritarian power, is that being cooked up to remove Lucius Sicinius Drusus from the senate and send him into exile - banned from Nova Roma. Who is responsible for that? A number of key figures in the Libra Alliance as well as a few of their toadies and flunkies is the answer.

Drusus would have to go, since he consistently pricks the bloated balloon of self-satisfied smug hypocrisy that floats over the Libra camp (this incarnation is only the latest name under which this beast has been known in the past).

Nova Roma needs saving, but only from the optimate superiority of the Libra Alliance.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

A damp squib

The electoral process in Nova Roma is proving to be a damp squib. The Libra Alliance candidates are concentrating on the political equivalent of picking fluff out of their navels and examining it closely and intently. In large part their postings are predictable and trite.

We seem set to plunge into a year of uncertainty, with the key question of whom the pilots are going to be of this rickety old barge that the Libra's have built and climbed into. Hopefully the consular candidate Gaius Popillius Laenas will be one of them, for at least he has common sense, ability, personality and flair, qualities that will be much needed in order to keep Nova Roma afloat.

Pompeia Minucia Tiberia Strabo is already planning to extend the jurisdictional arm of the Nova Roman court system to lists not controlled by the "state". This would be a gross infringement of liberty, but of course it is portrayed as necessary in order to bring order to chaos. This Borg like "hive" mentality that the Libra's display, where what is acceptable and unacceptable falls within their own narrow definitions and misguided sense of how Romans thought and acted, is the biggest single threat to popular liberty.

There is always the possibility that someone may post something that could be construed as slanderous, but that is the price one pays for freedom of speech. Equally the poster has responsibility as well as liberty and should he fail to exercise the former sufficient remedies exist through moderation alone.

Political opposition looks set to come under fire should Strabo succeed in altering the jurisdictional limits of the law. Inevitably popular liberty will decline. People who volunteer their time as citizens simply won't tolerate or risk prosecution in the name of freedom of expression; they will leave or remain silent. Resistance will indeed prove futile and objectors will be eliminated through the blunt instrument of proscriptions or assimilated into the silent majority.

Franciscus Apulus Caesar, our Hood to Granny Nova Roma, is simply a European Union advocate. That alone should be enough to disqualify him for the rest of his natural days from any political office in an organization dedicated to the resurgence of Roman civilization. Rome and Brussels are not identical in outlook or attitude. Of course mention has been made on the lists by various people that one can only truly appreciate Rome of antiquity if one lives in modern Rome, surrounded by ruins. This is utter nonsense and reeks of nationalism, which of course runs counter to the EU ideals but since rational and logical thinking have rarely formed part of the EU mandate one should not be surprised.

Gaius Modius Athanasius is not competent to run a whelk stall, let alone Nova Roma. Despite his lack of ability or credibility it remains a possibility that he could be elected, so be prepared to sniff the air and smell that peculiar odour of rotting fish emanating from underneath the curule chair should he win.

Gaius Popillius Laenas is the only candidate that does not pose a threat to popular liberty and free speech. He is astute, balanced, conservative and truly able to work with all sides of the political spectrum.

In election of 2756 the exercise of the second vote allowed Gnaeus Equitius Marinus to rush from the rear of the poll to victory. If citizens vote for Laenas and also vote for a second candidate they run the risk of seeing him defeated. If sufficient people vote for any of the other three candidates as a first choice and sufficient number vote for that person as a second choice, their combined votes could push Laenas out of the race.

For those who are conservative and wish to elect someone who will truly honor the mos maiorum, the Religio and yet also demonstrate the ability to unify Nova Roma, there is only one rational choice; vote for Gaius Popillus Laenas and only vote for this one candidate in the consular race.